I will teach the aircraft that moved with the example of a Helicopter with the proceeding propeller. In fact that moved only propellers and background him then that moved so as as if Helikopternya that moved. The first step: the Picture of a helicopter with the example above and you convert to MovieClip and kept gave nama the Second Step: the Picture of the Helicopter propeller and you Convert to Graphic Langakah Ketiga clicked Insert lalau New the Symbol chose MovieClip put the picture of the propeller into State, the clique frames 20 right cliques insert KeyFrames, the Clique in frames 1 to Properties chose tween Motion and Rotate chose CCW the Step KeEmpat was opened MovieClip the Helicopter in Windows Library gabungakan the Helikopeter Picture with MovieClip with the moving Propeller, the Step KeLima Input MovieClip the Helicopter To state Main. The step KeEnam for the New Layer as Background and gave the Blue Colour Young/Sea for the Cloud that was moving from the left and Right
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